First things first- grab a pen and paper to keep track of your score.
A quick overview of the rules:
There are 7 possible answers to each question; A,B,C,D,E,F,G
Pick one answer for each question and keep track of how many you have of each letter. When you have finished the quiz, add up how many times you got each letter and you'll find out at the end what character you are. Good luck!
The game
Q1. You see an old lady crossing the road alone. Do you;
A: Silently walk past, you'd rather not get involved
B: Help her, and remind all of your friends of your heroism for the rest of the night.
C: Refuse to help her until your mother reminds you that you should.
D: You obviously help her instinctively and you don't even expect a thank you.
E: You rush over to help and ask her why she's on her own, and if she is alright.
F: Without looking, you rush over to help her across the road as fast as possible.
G: You call over to the traffic warden to stop the traffic and allow the lady to cross.
Q2. You are going on your first date. Where would you go?
A: A concert. You like to be hidden in the crowd where you can perform the dance moves you've been practising.
B: A small coffee shop. You could chat away for hours without stopping.
C: The weekly pub quiz. You want to show off your 49-week-long winning streak
D: To watch les Miserables in the theatre. You love the plot of the underdog rising up.
E: A nice picnic in the local park. You're down to earth and you can't wait to show off your homemade treats!
F: A football match. Nothing gets your adrenaline pumping more than leading a Mexican wave but a lot of the time this ends in fights.
G: A more sporting activity where you know you are the best. The perfect time to show off.
Q3. You're at a meal, what do you choose to eat?
A: Whatever everyone else is having
B: The most exotic dish on the menu
C: A meal that may not look the best but is full of nutrients. You're not one for aesthetics.
D: Something simple but it's your favourite dish
E: You brought your own meal. Something homemade
F: A roast fit for a king.
G: A whole pig. Apple in the mouth and everything.
Q4. You are at the library. What book do you take out?
A: The new bestseller for this week
B: Gossip magazine
C: Greek mythology
D: the big book of fun facts
E: Mary beard; women and power
F: Oedipus Rex
G: Crime and Punishment
Q5. What negative trait do you have?
A: dependence
B: gossiping
C: isolation
D: unsympathetic
E: overly sensitive
F: arrogant
G: power-hungry
Q6. What positive trait do you have?
A: approachable
B: talkative
C: intelligent
D: compliant
E: caring
F: brave
G: moral
Q7. Which one of these animals is your spirit animal?
A: sheep
B: parrot
C: bat
D: owl
E: hen
F: lion
G: peacock
Q8. Which one of these sounds like your school report?
A: Not a very noticeable member of the class. Try to speak up more!
B: Gets distracted easily.
C: Super intelligent but reluctant to put their hand up.
D: Works well in group projects but doesn't take credit for it.
E: Looks out for the younger students well.
F: If they would take a second to think, they would come to the right conclusion.
G: Has been caught getting others to do their homework... not impressed.
Q9. What is your favourite form of exercise?
A: Group cycling class is a must.
B: Endurance; walking/ running
C: Yoga
D: Tennis
E: Zumba
F: Boxing
G: Archery
Q10. Choose a shoe type:
A: Those converses you've seen on TV
B: Sparkly shoes
C: Slippers
D: Crocs
E: A small heel
F: Boots
G: The highest heel you can find
The results
If you got mostly A, you are Chorus!
You are not afraid to ask for help when you need and you know your place in the social hierarchy around you. Although this is important and can appear respectful, sometimes you become too dependent and you seem to lose your sense of individualism. You don't always need to be centre stage to have the attention on you and this makes you seem more approachable. Beware that sharing your opinion can sometimes become manipulative especially to those who look up to you.
If you got mostly B, you are Messenger!
The first in the know, you're aware of the power gossiping brings and so wherever you go, you're sure to get people's attention. Once you have their attention, you don't hold back and the show begins! A common nickname for you may be 'drama queen' and you take any opportunity you can get to stir the pot. While this is all very entertaining, be aware that having snippets of gossip means that you often do not have the full picture, and people may not react how you would expect them to.
If you got mostly C, you are Tiresias!
You are a bit of a lone wolf and keen to stay out of drama, even if it involves you. However, when pushed to the limit, the wolf bites back and will stand up for himself/herself and what they believe in. You are intellectually orientated to the point where it seems as if your knowledge comes from a higher force. A great weakness of yours is blindness (in which case we don't know how you are reading this blog, but this proves the accuracy of our quiz) or helping others out of their blindness. Our piece of advice would be to remember that not everyone is as wise as you are and so you may need to explain things more clearly.
If you got mostly D, you are Creon!
You may not be the most extroverted and famed character, but you do a lot of work behind the scenes, whether that's daily tasks to make everyone's lives a bit easier or for self- improvement. You appreciate the need for harmony and balance in the workplace and are happy to share the spotlight if it means that things will run more smoothly. Not being in the forefront gives you time to think, speak more rationally and learn from others mistakes. Just be careful that looking at everything so factually may prevent you from empathising with others.
If you got mostly E, you are Jocasta!
You've been told before that you'd be a really good parent and you often find yourself taking the role of the 'mum of the group' in many of your relationships. You are not easily bossed about but you take other people's opinions into consideration to find a happy medium for everyone. You have a heart of gold and a strong moral compass but sometimes this can mean that you are extremely fragile and sensitive when times get tough.
If you got mostly F, you are Oedipus!
You can sometimes be impulsive and don't always think rationally, however you are usually acting from a good place and with good intentions. Your intelligence draws you to mind games, be it puzzles, riddles or even the crossword on the back of the newspaper. Beware of your arrogance as it can sometimes lead you down the wrong path (although hopefully not the same as Oedipus' and make you appear aggressive and stubborn.
If you got mostly G, you are Apollo!
You are the popular one in the group and so your opinion can be quite dominating and change the course of things rapidly. Even when you're not there, people can't help but gossip about you and your certain charm and that could be people turning to you for help, or idolising you and wishing they were like you. It wouldn't be too extreme to say that you have the power to change someone's life but remember that with great power comes great responsibility.
We hope you found out something new about yourself and had a little fun!
Until next time,
Zoe and Viola